Monday, March 24, 2008

Scusate la mia assenza.

Please forgive me for my long absence. I have missed you and missed making regular contributions to this blog. My ship was sunk by the time constraints of an additional teaching assignment. But now that that has ended, I'm back with renewed excitement.

You know you love blogging when you feel withdrawal symptoms at the thought of being away from your keyboard. I am going to try really hard to prevent anything from interfering with my writing schedule again. Thanks for standing by. New post to follow immediately.


court. said...

welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Today I read your blog for the first time. Like the delight of seeing the first crocus leaves, it was a joy to read your insights. Like a master storey teller looking deeply into the eyes of eager listeners.

Starfishdoc said...

Hi Court. Thanks for the welcome. Look forward to your insightful comments. Later.

Starfishdoc said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your very generous comments. Hope you'll be a regular.